No, only master students from the master programs at the GTC Neuroscience (Neural and Behavioural Scieces, Computational Neuroscience or Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience) are eligible to apply for the IMPRS program. If you are already holding an excellent MSc degree, you are very welcome to apply directly for a PhD position advertised by the IMPRS faculty. If you get an offer from IMPRS faculty member, you are also eligible to enroll to the GTC doctoral program and apply for the IMPRS PhD program.
Talented, curious and open-minded scientists from Germany and abroad with strong backgrounds in neuroscience, biomedical sciences, computational science, applied mathematics, statistics, artificial intelligence, or engineering are welcome to apply to the GTC master program. GTC master students can apply in the third semester to the IMPRS program.
If you are already holding an excellent MSc degree, you are very welcome to apply directly for a PhD position advertised by the IMPRS faculty. If you get an offer from IMPRS faculty member, you are also eligible to enroll to the GTC doctoral program and apply for the IMPRS PhD program.
We recruit Master and PhD students once a year in fall. Please check the timelines for details.
You can find the detailed description of the application process on the website.