Course: Scientific Presentation
- Start: Apr 17, 2024
- End: Apr 18, 2024
- Location: TBA

Lecturer: Dipl. -Phil. Erika Magyarosi M.A.
Max. Participants: 12
Dates: 17.04. – 18.04.2024 from 09.00 – 16.00
Location: HIH Seminar Raum Level 2
Preparation for the course:
Please prepare two presentations for the seminar:
- 3 to 5 minutes general overview of your professional background and present work, using 3 to 5 slides.
- 5 to 7 minutes talk about a specific part of your research, using 5 to 7 slides.
Description of the course:
- Preparing a talk and discussion in English
- Practicing and perfecting public speaking
- Concisely and professionally introducing and promoting oneself
- Involving the audience in one’s talk
- Improving body language and non-verbal communication
Course Objectives and Learning Target
The course aims to equip participants with advanced rhetorical strategies to enhance the clarity, impact, and persuasion of their scientific presentations. Participants will learn to craft compelling narratives, optimize visual and verbal communication, and confidently engage with audiences, fostering effective science communication.
The participant will learn necessary skills to successfully and appealingly present scientific papers at conferences, and to be able to confidently
defend research results during discussions. The participant will also learn exercises to improve; non-verbal communications such as appropriate and fluid body language; the ability to listen and react generously; and to integrate focusing techniques which magnify the power of the speaker.
Registration is closed.